Wednesday 28 September 2011

Christmas Craft countdown....12 weeks

It’s the same every year.  I promise myself that I will be organised for Christmas and every year, despite my best intentions, Christmas sneaks up on me and catches me out.  I spend whole days fighting my way through the heaving shops, sweaty and grumpy; thinking murderous thoughts about my fellow shoppers.

Not very attractive.  Or Christmasy. No more.

THIS year I am going to be organised.  I am going to handcraft delightful gifts for friends and family, save money AND do my bit for the environment at the same time.  A tall order?  Maybe.  But I’m going to give it my best shot.  Or die trying.

I thought a good way to keep this Christmas mission on track would be to include a Christmas-related idea here, perhaps once a week or so.  It will keep me motivated and we can all get our “jolly holly” groove on together.  And so, the countdown begins…

12 weeks until Christmas – Pillow Boxes.

It’s a universally known fact that a gift is only as good as its wrapping.  (O.K, this may just be my opinion.)

I found this lovely idea on Pinterest recently and since it’s really easy and justifies my impulsive loo roll collecting, I thought I’d share it.

Step 1:

Take a loo roll inner.

Step 2:

Bend the middle bit in and then do the same to the other side.

Step 3:

Pinch the sticky-up bits at the side.

And voila!  A cute little pillow box! 

You can use this to wrap any smallish gift – sweets, chocolates, a necklace or bracelet.  Whatever you can squeeze inside.  Wrap with raffia, ribbon or string and add a cute embellishment.  

You can also use left-over bits of wrapping paper and make colourful pillow boxes as well.  Here's how....


Cut the paper to size, leaving a little “fold over” room at the sides.  


Mix some glue with a little water.  The consistency should not be too watery, but should thin out the glue a little.  Apply with a brush or a sponge to the “wrong” side of the paper.

Step 3:

Place the toilet roll inner at one end of the paper and roll to the end.

Step 4:

Fold over the bits at the side to the inside of the tube.

Step 5: (optional) 
If you like, you can apply a layer of the glue mix to the outside of the paper as well.

Step 6: 
Fold the sides of the tube, as shown previously.

Give it a try.  A nice project for the kids too. 
We'd love to hear from you and all the ways you use this neat idea.  Email us at

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