Friday 18 November 2011

Fabulous Friday : Green cleaning

I have a confession to make.  I hate housework.  I mean, really, really loathe it.  I find it mind-numbingly boring and exhausting.  Not to mention soul destroying.  Nothing gets me down more than having spent an entire day blitzing the house, only to find the same stuff dirty again the next day.  Like dishes.  And clothes. 
Feels like Groundhog Day.....
 But in the interest of hygiene, I persevere.  All the while muttering about how housework is killing my creativity and “doing my head in”.  I’ve tried changing my attitude – being grateful for my home and the privilege of having a body that can perform the tasks necessary – but that only lasts so long.  I have even embarked on a massive reorganisation project in the hopes that this will make tidying up a breeze. (this project has now affectionately been named “Mission Impossible”)

I have always been under the illusion that EVERYONE hates housework (with the possible exception of Martha Stewart, although I am convinced that all her crafty projects are merely a diversion in order for her to avoid cleaning her house.)

But to my astonishment, I have discovered that there are actually people out there who enjoy cleaning their homes.  Yes, you read right.  They like it.

Take Shannon Lush for example.  Her love of housework and her passion to find environmentally friendly alternatives to store-bought cleaning products have resulted in numerous books, a radio show and a television program.  (you can catch the latter on the Home Channel on DSTV.

Shannon has four rules for her cleaning tips:

  1.  They have to work.
  2.  They have to require equal or less elbow grease or effort than traditional methods.
  3.  They have to do the least possible damage to the planet
  4.  They have to be as inexpensive as possible.

I’ll be honest, I was sceptical.

I started off small, with Shannon’s most basic (and seemingly favourite) cleaning ingredients.  Bicarb and vinegar.  I know, right?  Sounds crazy.  But it actually works!  She has what she calls a two-sponge method, but I was not even going to commit to buying two sponges before knowing whether this was legit.  I used a cloth.  And cleaned the bath.

Take a cloth.  Sprinkle some bicarb on it.  Spray with vinegar.  While it’s fizzing, wipe the bath down.  Then rinse.  Fantastic! 

You can also use bicarb and vinegar to clean a dirty or blocked drain.  You pour 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of bicarb into the drain.  Wait 20 minutes and then add 1 cup of white vinegar. A chemical reaction occurs which scours the pipe. Wait a couple of minutes and pour a jug of boiling water into the drain to flush it clean.  I have also tried this and it works like a dream. 

I have to admit, the fizzing thing is cool.  Makes it quite, dare I say…fun?  I now don’t mind so much that I have to keep cleaning the bath.  I skip down the passage, with my bicarb and vinegar in hand.  “Off to get my fizz on, darling”, I reply when questioned. 

I have learnt a few other neat tricks.  Like using 1 teaspoon of lavender oil mixed with 1 litre of water in a spray bottle as an all-purpose cleaner.  There are apparently over 200 antiseptic compounds in lavender oil, which makes it perfectly sanitary.

And who knew that oil of cloves kills mould?  Shannon suggests using it to get rid of the mould in your shower.

She has loads of other tips and methods, which you can find here.

 And look out for future posts where I will share more eco-friendly gems I have come across in my quest to make housework easier.

As my mother always says…..

“They say housework never killed anyone.  But why risk it?”


Wednesday 16 November 2011

Chiano Sky

I'm obviously a bit slow on the uptake.  Have heard this song numerous times on 5fm and have enjoyed it immensely - especially the vocals.  I only recently discovered that this lovely lass is a South African artist.

Kudos to you Chiano Sky.

Check out her video for "Sick, Sick, Sick".  I love spotting all the vintage pieces....

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Vintage finds

Lil' Sis and I went thrifting this week!  We usually go once a week, ostensibly to acquire items for the shop, however we often find things which we cannot live without and which find their way into our homes.

Here are some of the treasures I found this week....

I simply adore this old suitcase.

A Singer button hole attachment  - have no idea if it actually fits my old Singer machine, but its cool.

These remind me of my childhood.
Managed to pry them away from the kidlets just long enough to take a photo.

I have just noticed that spell check does not recognise "thrifting" as a word.  There is something seriously wrong with the world.

Do you enjoy thrifting?  Where are your favourite places to shop?  I'd love to hear from you.

Monday 7 November 2011

Handmade Christmas

Following on from my Great Christmas Declaration of a few weeks ago, here are some festive gift ideas which are simple and fun to make.  They are sure to bring a smile without breaking the bank.

Scented organza sachets -Martha 

Homemade Bath Salts - Martha

Sugar Scrub - Maybe Matilda  

Hot Chocolate Mix 

Friday 4 November 2011

November already?

It’s been ages since my last post.  Shocking.  Yet with good reason...
As I mentioned here and here, I have developed a sudden and uncontrollable urge to organise the entire house.  Rather than be sensible and start on one room at a time, I have thrown myself into a mass organising initiative involving every room in the house simultaneously.  The resulting chaos has been quite something to behold and has raised concerns that I may, in fact, be mildly ADD. 

I put it down to PKE or Phasic Knock-on Effect (don’t bother Googling it – I made it up).  It’s when you complete Phase One of Project A, and then realise you cannot begin Phase Two until you have completed Project B.  Very scientific. And annoying.  

But while this mission may involve a lot more work than I originally thought, I am confident that the results will be spectacular.  I am looking forward to basking in the warm fuzziness of being organised and can’t wait to share my accomplishments with you (if I ever finish anything).

In the meantime, you can have a look at what has been inspiring me lately…..

From The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking

From My Pink Life

From Pinterest

also Pinterest

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Take a seat....

OK, so what started as a revamp of the studio, has snowballed into a revamp of the entire house!  While deliberating on the best colour scheme for the studio, I have somehow become distracted by other decor-related projects, most of which are lying in various stages of completion throughout the house.  Here's one I have actually finished.  I thought I'd share it.

We have these chairs which had started to look a bit sad and grotty.  They had been relegated to the front verandah since they were no longer fit to be seen indoors.

sad and grotty chair
The first step was to remove the seat from the metal frame.  This was easy enough to do as there were four screws holding it in place.

The next step was to sand the metal frame.  I used 150-grit sandpaper and a couple of DIY minions assistants.  (yay for school holidays!)  I then wiped the frames with a damp cloth.

I sprayed the frames with black spray paint, and while each coat dried, I worked on the seat cover.  I removed the fabric from the seat by taking out the staples.

I dug out a piece of brown suede from my fabric stash and, using the wooden seat as a template, cut a circle slightly bigger than the wood.

I used my staple gun to secure the fabric to the wood. (man, I enjoyed this bit!) 
Once the paint had dried, I reassembled all the pieces and am quite pleased with the result.

The chairs have now been brought inside and look quite nice in the dining room. 

What do you think?  Do you have any old chairs that could use a makeover?  We'd love to hear about your DIY exploits!

Sunday 16 October 2011

Colour me green....

It's official.  I have a severe case of cupboard envy.

One of the problems with blog-reading is that you see things.  Wonderful things.  Things that inspire and delight you.  Things that can never be unseen.

Take cupboards for example.

During my online foraging, I have come across these fine examples of organisation.

In the Kitchen

the Bedroom

and the Office
and I have a feeling that I won't be happy until my cupboards look just like this. (well, something similar anyway)

How about you?  Do you have any tricks to keeping your cupboards neat and tidy? Do you think this level of organisation is achievable and maintainable?  I'd love to her from you...

Thursday 29 September 2011

New additions...

We have listed some lovely new items in our Etsy store and would love you to head on over and have a look.

Our Replay section gives old toys and games a second chance at happiness.  Check out these new additions...

This vintage gold clutch will add a touch of glamour to any occasion...

For a bit of nautical adventure, this vintage book bundle is just the thing.  Treasure Island and 20,000 Leagues under the Sea...."Ahoy me hearties!"

And for the sewing enthusiast, these vintage buttons in shades of blue are sure to inspire.
How cute are the little mouse buttons?

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Christmas Craft countdown....12 weeks

It’s the same every year.  I promise myself that I will be organised for Christmas and every year, despite my best intentions, Christmas sneaks up on me and catches me out.  I spend whole days fighting my way through the heaving shops, sweaty and grumpy; thinking murderous thoughts about my fellow shoppers.

Not very attractive.  Or Christmasy. No more.

THIS year I am going to be organised.  I am going to handcraft delightful gifts for friends and family, save money AND do my bit for the environment at the same time.  A tall order?  Maybe.  But I’m going to give it my best shot.  Or die trying.

I thought a good way to keep this Christmas mission on track would be to include a Christmas-related idea here, perhaps once a week or so.  It will keep me motivated and we can all get our “jolly holly” groove on together.  And so, the countdown begins…

12 weeks until Christmas – Pillow Boxes.

It’s a universally known fact that a gift is only as good as its wrapping.  (O.K, this may just be my opinion.)

I found this lovely idea on Pinterest recently and since it’s really easy and justifies my impulsive loo roll collecting, I thought I’d share it.

Step 1:

Take a loo roll inner.

Step 2:

Bend the middle bit in and then do the same to the other side.

Step 3:

Pinch the sticky-up bits at the side.

And voila!  A cute little pillow box! 

You can use this to wrap any smallish gift – sweets, chocolates, a necklace or bracelet.  Whatever you can squeeze inside.  Wrap with raffia, ribbon or string and add a cute embellishment.  

You can also use left-over bits of wrapping paper and make colourful pillow boxes as well.  Here's how....


Cut the paper to size, leaving a little “fold over” room at the sides.  


Mix some glue with a little water.  The consistency should not be too watery, but should thin out the glue a little.  Apply with a brush or a sponge to the “wrong” side of the paper.

Step 3:

Place the toilet roll inner at one end of the paper and roll to the end.

Step 4:

Fold over the bits at the side to the inside of the tube.

Step 5: (optional) 
If you like, you can apply a layer of the glue mix to the outside of the paper as well.

Step 6: 
Fold the sides of the tube, as shown previously.

Give it a try.  A nice project for the kids too. 
We'd love to hear from you and all the ways you use this neat idea.  Email us at

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Ditching the wheel...

When my cousin, Jessica, was little, she had a pet hamster.  It was a Russian hamster – I think its name was Hammy.  One day while watching Hammy (or whatever) running on his hamster wheel, and discussing hamsters in general, (as you do) Jessica and I had this conversation:

Jessica:  “Do you like my hamster?”
Me:  “Yes, I do.”
Jessica:  “He’s called a Russian hamster.”
Me:  “Yes, I know.”
Jessica:  “Do you know WHY he’s called a Russian hamster?”
Me:  “Ummmm….”
Jessica:   (rolling her eyes and gesturing with her hands in what looked like resignation)
              “Coz he’s always Rushin’ around….”

It’s a cute story and it’s always stuck with me because there are often times in my life when I have felt just like that hamster.  Rushin’ around.  Stuck on my wheel.  The daily grind.  I usually don’t even realise it until I see it reflected in someone else.

Case in point….

This morning, on our way back from breakfast, Big L and I got stuck behind a line of cars snaking its way up a steep hill.  The cause of the holdup was about seven cars ahead – an old seventies caravan being towed at about 10kms per hour.

It looked a little like this...
It was beautiful – white, with a bit of sun-bleached blue and I sat forward in my seat, straining to see it in all its rusty, crusty glory.  I was imagining all the memories that had been made in that caravan – holidays at the coast, trips to the mountains, the thrill of setting up home (if even for a short time) in something mobile – like a gypsy or a travelling tinker.

I was snapped back from my reverie by terse and clearly irritated mutterings coming from the driver’s seat.  Big L had a lot to say – all of it bad and some of it which I cannot repeat, but there was a “Oh, for Pete Sake” and a “What the *heck* is this guy doing?” amongst others.

We weren’t in a hurry; we were not late for an appointment, or a plane.  There was nothing pressing that needed his attention.  He was just feeling….rushed.  While mildly annoyed that he had spoiled my caravan moment, I could hardly criticise, as I realised that I have been guilty of the same thing lately. 

I was once again reminded of Hammy and his infernal little wheel and resolved to lift my head from the grindstone every now and again and enjoy the little moments that come my way.  

I also resolved to buy a caravan and travel the countryside like a gypsy.  But that could just be a phase.  

Friday 23 September 2011

Fabulous Friday - a crafty one

Phew!  What a week it’s been!  The overall mood has been *creative* with lots of ideas and Great Plans rattling around.   This has involved buttons, fabric, old cereal boxes, varnish and a glue gun (not necessarily related)  and a Big Mess.  The mayhem has spilled out of the studio into the dining room…oh boy…but luckily it is easily blamed on *creative frenzy* and everyone in the house just sighs and works around it. 

We’ve been working on getting some lovely new goodies loaded for our Etsy store, planning a major revamp of the studio, as well as cruising the Net for inspiration and catching up with our favourite blogs.  (the latter two are code for “I’ve-run-out-of-steam, am-having-a-tea-break-and-ignoring-the-chaos-around-me”)  

All of which has resulted in no blog posts this week.  Tut..tut.

But we couldn’t possibly let a Friday go by without celebrating something fabulous.  This week, our Fabulous Friday feature is a lovely little blog we discovered, which has contributed greatly to the inspiration factor.

The Mother Huddle is a collection of Kids Crafts, DIY ideas, sewing projects and recipes, with handy tutorials.  We found out how to make these cute crêpe pom poms

were inspired by this easy tutorial on making a child-sized upholstered bench

and fell instantly in love with these adorable storage baskets.

Aren’t they sweet?  And judging by the tutorial, they are quick and simple to make, which we think is simply fabulous.